Wow...I really thought (okay, I really hoped) that little Miss Georgia would be here by now. Seeing as Sam was 3 weeks early, I just knew that she would follow suit and make an early arrival as well. Guess I was wrong, huh? So much for my motherly instinct. Not that she's late or anything, just hoping not to have to deal with those last few weeks of misery. But, I have to admit, things have not been too terribly bad, just a pair of swollen feet and the occasional backache. On the other hand, my house has never been so clean! I've had a crazy nesting instinct for the past 3 weeks, and can't seem to get enough done before she gets here. Poor Kev, his honey-do list just grows bigger and bigger every day!
Anyway, we went to the Dr. on Wednesday and everything still looks good. The baby has finally decided to turn head down (thank goodness) and she's still as active as ever! A little disconcerting, however, is the fact that she appears to be at least 7 and a half pounds already, and her due date is still another 2 weeks away....Not that she's huge, but after delivering a 6 lb. baby last time, 7-8 lbs sounds pretty big to me! At least she's healthy! Kevin begins a week of vacation on December 8th, so we're really hoping that when I go back to the Dr. next week that I'll have progressed enough to be induced next weekend...of course, that's just our plan - the baby and our Dr. may have another idea! In the meantime, please keep all of us in your prayers for a fast, easy and safe delivery - whenever that might be! We'll keep everyone posted!