Wow! Time sure flies when you're having fun!!
Georgia, Mommy can't believe you are already 3 months old! You are getting to be such a big girl! I don't ever want to forget how cute you are at this age. And while I'm sad that with each month you're growing older, I can't wait to see the sweet little girl you're growing up to be! There is such spirit shining in those eyes - you are such a doll.
You are now officially sleeping through the night from around 10 pm until 7:30 am!!! However, you still sleep in your bassinet next to Mommy & Daddy because I can't bear the thought of you alone upstairs on the other side of the house away from me at night. So, no, you haven't slept in your crib YET, but I am slowly trying to talk myself (or wean myself) into it! You are also taking two good naps during the day and one short cat nap at night after supper.
You are such a talker! I've never heard such a tiny baby make more noise! You are already making consonant-vowel sounds and really think you are holding up your end of the conversation. When you do begin to speak, we may not be able to shut you up! It truly is like music to my ears...
You think you are already a big girl, and hate to be cradled in my arms (unless, taking a bottle). You would much rather stand up on my lap and see everything that's going on. You don't miss a thing. You're in a tizzy when we go into a store, with so much to see, your little head just turns back & forth, back & forth! And heaven forbid, someone doesn't stop to talk to you. You'll stare a whole through them or "talk" at them until they pay you the attention you demand!! You tickle me!
You are now getting to enjoy your bumbo seat and excersaucer - although they are still a little big for you - your neck strength and head control are excellent and these new toys really allow you to see what's going on.
You're not quite laughing yet, but you sure are close. But that little gummy grin, just lights up my days! And you're little eyes just smile along with it! Sometimes, you can barely take your bottle for grinning. Speaking of feeding, you are now taking between 4-5 oz. at a time (around 20 oz. per day). This is the only difficulty we have, you are just not very interested in your bottle - I think you are just too busy! However, this is just the worried mommy in me, because you are right on track with your weight and height (approx 12 1/4 lbs.)
I love you sooooo much and can't wait to see what the next three months hold in store!