Well, I guess this is better late than never....As I'm sure all of you have heard, our sweet little Georgia was born at 12:14 p.m. on Friday, December 7th, 2007, weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz. and measuring 20 inches long. She has a headful of dark brown hair and big blue eyes. I can't really tell who she looks like yet, perhaps a combination of the three of us. She is such a good baby, with such a sweet disposition. We are truly blessed. Big brother Sam is pretty proud of her, as well. As are Mommy & Daddy - especially since she's only waking up once a night!!!
As you can imagine, things have been pretty hectic around here, so I'm afraid I'm already 6 weeks late with this update. However, my delay in posting pictures of our newest addition, doesn't mean we haven't been taking any! I have finally figured out how to post a slide show on my blog, and I figure this is the best way to quickly catch everyone up on what they've missed.....Enjoy!!