Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Howdy Partner!

Sam began his first session of hippotherapy this afternoon. Hippotherapy - you ask? He's riding a horse! Well, hippos is the Greek word for horse. Hippotherapy is a treatment that uses the multidimensional movement of a horse to provide sensory input which is variable, rhythmic and repetitive. The theory behind it is that the variability of the horses gait enables the therapist to grade the degree of sensory input needed by the client to achieve the desirable results. A good friend (and speech therapist) of mine, "Miss Dayna" is working with Sam this summer in an attempt to help with his diaphramatic breathing and speech in a natural and relaxed setting. Now that you understand the basis for the therapy, I have to brag! He did awesome!!! I was a little worried that he wouldn't even step near the horse, but boy, was I ever wrong! He practically climbed up the horse himself, and rode around the course sitting up so tall and proud of himself!! It was the cutest thing! Can't wait to see how he does next week - look out Lone Ranger!


Anonymous said...

Your Sam is so amazing! I wouldn't have ever been that brave to get on a horse so big!! I read a little on Sam's condition. He seems to be doing great!! Again, you guys have a beautiful family!
Tambrey Kinley

Chris, Kelly, Christopher, and Ty Collinsworth said...

That is wonderful! Way to go Sam!
Can't wait to hear about your progress! By the way, Ty loves horses too! Maybe he could be your Tonto! :)

Laura said...

That is the coolest thing I have ever heard. Keep me updated on how he does.

Grammy said...

I love his expression. He looks so proud of himself. I think you need to buy him a horse and keep it in your garage and feed it out of a dishpan. That's what I remember telling my parents when I was growing up and begging for a horse. I'm glad he enjoys it so much. I'm sure it makes him feel so big and in control.

Grandma Jo said...

I had been on vacation all week and when I returned to work on Friday afternoon, I looked at my e-mails. There Sam was with three pictures of him on the horse. I am so proud of you and Kevin for doing any and everything you can to make a difference in Sam's life. He certainly was sitting up just like he knew what he was doing. I'm glad it was a good experience and I can't wait until next Tuesday. Hope he likes it as much then too. I love you guys.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that Sam likes horse back riding. Now Sam, Jake, and I all are riding horses now :D !!!!!