Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Georgia's 6 Month Portraits

Georgia's 6 month portraits are finally ready for viewing! I think they turned out fantastic!! There's also several great ones of big brother, Sam! I am so pleased!! To take a look, go to www.tlee.photobiz.com/cart/ then click on Bryant (the photo of Georgia) and enter your e-mail address. Let me know what you think! They will only be available to view for the next 3 weeks.


Anonymous said...

I love all of the pics Beth but my favorites are the black & white pics of the kids together. Just precious. Good luck trying to decide!

OTmom said...

I love them all. My fav is the very last one (black and white) with Sam kissing Georgias head. Precious!! You are going to have a hard time deciding!!!

Chris, Kelly, Christopher, and Ty Collinsworth said...

Wow Beth! You have some great pics of the kids! Good luck trying to sort thru those! Precious!