Sunday, August 17, 2008

My sweet "baby" boy!

Guess I can't call him that much longer :( He's such fun, sweet spirited little boy! Don't know if you can tell from these pictures, but his eyes matched the exact color of his shorts this morning. Just beautiful......


Grammy said...

I love these pictures!!! He looks adorable. I can't believe he's starting kindergarten this week!!!! Where did our baby go???

Anonymous said...

What BEAUTIFUL blue eyes! These pictures are amazing! You need to go into the photography business Beth! I can't get over how much he has changed just this year.

Chris, Kelly, Christopher, and Ty Collinsworth said...

Those are great pictures of Sam! Let us know how Sam's first week of Kindergarten definitely have a big boy now! :)

Anonymous said...

Don't know when the pictures were made--I don't think it was the first day of school. He is so handsome and of course has the most beautiful eyes. I love him so.