Monday, November 10, 2008

Georgia's Surgery

My sweet baby girl had to have minor surgery a few weeks ago - a frenulectomy to be exact. We discovered a few months ago that she was very slightly tongue-tied, and while our pediatrician wanted to take the "wait and see" approach and didn't think it would at all interfere with her speech, Kevin and I made the decision to go ahead with the surgery before there was even a possibility of a speech problem developing. With our history of Sam's difficulties, I wasn't about to wait around to see if Georgia would have a problem. So long story short, the procedure took about 5 minutes, and we were back home in time for Sam to go to school. She did great, was loved on by all of Daddy's friends in surgery, and never even had to take any Motrin at all!! Sooooo glad this is over and behind us! And from the look of things, the surgery was a complete success - she's been sticking her tongue out at everyone she sees!


Laura said...

Hello!!!! YOu didn't tell me about this. So glad she did well. Catch me up everything later.

Tenille Rauls said...

Glad it went well! I know how scary it is to hand your baby over...gave Russ a new sense of compassion too! :)