Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Birthday to You....(well actually us)

February is the month of birthdays for my family, and I'd be remiss if I didn't at least mention them here: Brett (31) on the 7th, ME! (32) on the 9th, and Kevin (34) on the 11th. Jim and Jake celebrate a birthday this month, as well. Kev and I celebrated our birthdays a week early this year with a trip to Tunica for a night of crab legs and gambling. Needless to say, the food was great, but the slots weren't so kind to me!! Kevin, however, did pretty well at the Roulette table. Either way, we had a blast, and got to enjoy some alone time, with kids spending the night with Grammy and Papa. Thanks Mom and Dad - you guys are the best! And thanks Kev, for my new phone - I LOVE IT!!!

I just loved this expression.....

A gift from our grandmother....

This sweater and matching bonnet was given to me by my Grandmother McAdams when I was a baby. When my mom found out we were having a girl, one of the first things she did was pull out this sweet little outfit she had saved for all these years and get it ready for our Georgia to wear too. It fits her perfectly and she seemed to really like the hat and was so content to leave it on. Hopefully someday her little girl will have her picture made in it, too......

You are my Sunshine...

Georgia's Two Month Update

I can't believe my baby is already 2 months old. Well actually 2 1/2 months old if you want to be exact. It goes by all so fast. She went for her two month check-up on the 7th and Dr. Beck said she looks great! She weighs 11 lbs. 2 ozs. now and is 22 inches long. She can still wear her 0-3 month clothes, but not for much longer. She is really filling out and has the cutest little fat rolls on her legs! She's is such a pleasant baby and seems to already have such a sweet temperment. She's already my little sidekick and happily goes along for the ride as we take her big brother to school and therapies. She's been smiling for over a month now, and nothing melts my heart faster. Her whole face lights up and her big eyes just sparkle. She is also very "talkative" these days and just cooos all the time. She loves to be talked to and really thinks she is carrying on a conversation!

She's taking 5 ozs. of formula at a time now, that is when she can stop smiling long enough to take her bottle! She's been sleeping through the night for several weeks now, and I couldn't be happier ( or more thankful) for it! She's goes down around 10:30 p.m. and sleeps until 7:00 A.M. I told you she was an easy baby!! She's truly my little ray of sunshine and we couldn't ask for a sweeter or more beautiful little girl!

My sweet little Valentines

Sam loves to watch Georgia in her bouncy seat. He's facinated with how fast she kicks her feet and gets so excited watching the lights. He's really sweet with her. And she is in awe of him - really looking him over and grinning from ear to ear whenever he's near.