Thursday, July 31, 2008

The sweetest sound...

This afternoon in the car on the way back home from Target (our second home!) I heard the most beautiful sound......."mamamamama"! I wasn't sure if she was just jabbering or if she truly meant to say it until we pulled into the garage and as I was getting her out of the carseat, she looked up at me with those big, bright eyes and said "Mama!" How sweet the sound!


Anita Pope said...

Hey Girl! Of course I remember you and Kevin. Ya'll have a lovely family. Hope all is well. Thanks for entering the contest.
I'm still working on Lilly with Mama. I think she said it one time at church, but haven't heard it since then.

Chris, Kelly, Christopher, and Ty Collinsworth said...

I bet you were on cloud nine!
I am working weekend option at NEA Baptist so it freed me up to watch Haley for Kristi...she is so sweet!
And this will give me more time with the boys thru the week. Especially when school starts.