Monday, January 5, 2009

Georgia's 1st Birthday Party

Better late than never, right?!?! You had the most spectacular birthday party, Georgia. Mommy had the best time planning and decorating for it! Surrounded by friends and family, it was a truly beautiful day. We had cupcakes and cookies to eat, and more gifts than you knew what to do with. You received a Disney Princess throne, a stuffed tea cup Yorkie, several books, clothes, a baby stroller, and so much more. You had the best time! You "read" every card on each gift and just ooohed and aaaahed at everything you received! Too cute! And, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention your adorable smocked birthday dress you wore from Grammy and Papa - they bought that for you before you were even born. As a matter of fact, Grammy's already bought yours for your 2nd birthday, as well!!
Between myself, Aunt Wendy, and Grammy I bet we took over 200 pictures of your special day, but instead of detailing every moment here, I thought I would just post a few that truly captured your little spirit the best. I love you, my sweet little one year old girl!


Anonymous said...

Precious!!! Danielle Hicks Davis

Tambrey said...

She is so BEATIFUL! She is so Kevin but then again you! Great mix! Hope yall had a great Christmas!

Grammy said...

I must say, she was a cutie at that party and really had a good time too! Beth, you're only slightly behind. Where are the Christmas pictures?

Laura said...

Happy Birthday Georgia!!! She is such a little princess!!! SOrry we missed it.